
What is a Property?

On a recent Cliff Click Coffee Compiler Club call, this question came up: What exactly is an Ecstasy property? It turns out that a property is a very obvious and simple thing, yet explaining it is not so simple.

Developers have different expectations when they hear the word "property", including:

  • It's just a named field in a structure.
  • It's something that has a getter and a setter.

These are logical expectations, because in languages like C++ and Java, "object properties" are just fields in structures, and in Java, the getter and setter methods are a well-known way to expose private fields as public virtual methods.

But unfortunately, starting with this train of thought takes us in the wrong direction, so let's forget all of this historical context, and back up to the beginning: What exactly is an Ecstasy property?

First, it is important to appreciate where an Ecstasy property exists:

  • A property can be declared inside any class, including module and package classes;
  • A property can be declared inside a property;
  • A property can be declared inside a method.

That a property can exist inside a class is not unusual, but it is a bit unusual that a property can exist inside another property, or even inside of a method.

In Ecstasy, everything is an object, so it follows that a property is an object. Objects have types. So what is the type of a property? A property, like a local variable, is an instance of Ref, a reference. If the property is mutable, then (also like a local variable), it is an instance of Var, which extends Ref.

Since a property is an object, and objects are instances of a class, then what is the class of a property? The class of a property is unknowable within Ecstasy. That does not mean that the property does not have a class; it simply means that the class is not visible from within the running code. Let's take a simple example:

  class Person
Int age;

When we have an instance of Person, we can ask that object's reference for its actual class, and if it was created within the current container, it will return the Person class. But it's also possible that an object reference comes from outside of the container, in which case asking for the actual class will not return the actual class, but will instead return just the interface type through which the object can be viewed; this is the basis for container security, and is a fundamental building block of Ecstasy's strong security model.

When the Ecstasy runtime starts up, and an Ecstasy application is loaded and starts running, it is running in the outermost Ecstasy container, called "container 0", which is the container within which the application's module was loaded, and within which all other containers and objects are created, so one would think that the applications' properties would also be created within that "container 0" ... but that would be incorrect. In order for the initial application "container 0" to be created, there had to already be a Container class, and since that class comes from the core Ecstasy module, that means that the core Ecstasy module was already loaded in some container before "container 0" was created. And since it's "turtles the whole way down", it should be obvious that "container 0" is itself actually sitting on top of an infinite stack of turtles, which for purposes of keeping this short, we will simply refer to as "container -1".

"Wait ... what?!?" I can almost hear the WTFs being hurled at computer screens everywhere. But here's the simple truth: Anything outside of the container that the application is loaded within is simply unknowable. So if the application is started in something that we call "container 0", and a container always exists within a container, then we know that there must be some "container -1", if only because otherwise there couldn't be a "container 0". And just to keep this short and as-simple-as-possible, the runtime itself is that unknowable outer container, and the runtime itself is the container that loaded the Ecstasy module, and the runtime itself is the thing that knows how to "new" a class, and to automatically "new" whatever class is automatically used for each property as well. And in reality, that doesn't actually happen -- each property couldn't actually be a new object, right?

As with many things in Ecstasy, the answer is purposefully unknowable. If you ask for a property's reference, you do get back a usable object -- one that you can reflect on, pass around, store in a property somewhere, or whatever it is that you do with objects -- so obviously the property object "exists", by some definition; but like all turtles, it may not have existed before you looked at it, and it may not exist when you're not looking at it.

But here's where things get seriously cool: Since a property does have a class, we can augment that class! Of course, we don't use the extend keyword like when we sub-class (because we don't know what class to extend) ... but we can write a mixin for the property, because we do know the type to mix into! In fact, lots of functionality in Ecstasy is built by writing mixins that can be mixed into properties and local variables, such as futures, lazily calculated values, and watched values.

Furthermore, we can augment a property where we define it, as if it were a class. Here's a silly example:

  module Test
@Inject Console console;
Log log = new ecstasy.io.ConsoleLog(console);

void run()
log.add("Simple property example!");

val o = new TestClass();
for (Int i : 0..5)
val n = o.x;

o.&x.foo(); // &x gets the property, instead of de-referencing it

class TestClass
Int x
@Override Int get()
return super();

void foo()
log.add($"Someone accessed this property {count} times!");

private Int count;

 And when we run it:

++++++ Loading module: Test +++++++

Simple property example!
Someone accessed this property 6 times!

Process finished with exit code 0
So we can augment our property with code where we define the property, we can mix in predefined functionality into a property (again, it's not magic, because you could have written those mixins yourself!), and we can even modify a property's behavior on a sub-class (assuming that the property wasn't private), because the subclass' property's class implicitly extends the super-class' property's class.

Okay, that was a lot of information, but it conveys an important point: A property isn't just some field in a structure. It's a real object, with a real class, and it behaves like a real object, with a real class.

But what about the property's value? Where is it stored? The Ecstasy type system determines which properties require a field for their storage, and automatically includes those fields in the underlying structure that is defined for each class, and thus exists for each object. In other words, all of a property's state is stored in whatever class the property "rolls up" into. Here are two simple examples:

  class Example
Int x; // this has a field on Example:struct

Int y.get()
return 7; // this does not have a field
The type system has rules that determine when a field is required. The compiler uses these rules. The runtime uses these same rules. If a field is required, then the field will exist. If the field is not required, then the field will not exist.

So how is that field accessed? Well normally, we don't even think about that. If there's an object o with a property x, we just dereference the property o.x, and we never think about the field. But conceptually, the field is accessed by the last method in the call chain for the get() method on the property, so if you don't override the get() method, then accessing the property goes straight to the field.

Alternatively, sometimes it is necessary to work with an object's structure directly. A serialization library, for example, may need to access the field values to store them off, and subsequently build a new structure using that stored-off data to re-instantiate the corresponding object. Instead of trying to paste an example here, it makes more sense just to point to the JSON serialization implementation that does exactly this. While it might seem like a common thing (directly accessing a field), it turns out that the only places in the entire Ecstasy code base where fields are being accessed directly are (i) serialization implementations and (ii) tests of the compiler and runtime itself.

So, back to the initial question: What is an Ecstasy property?

  • A property has a name.
  • A property represents state with a value, of a type.
  • A property is contained within a class, a property, or a method.
  • A property is a container of classes, properties, and methods.
  • A property is itself a class.
  • A property can be customized, mixed into, inherited, and overridden.
  • Properties are virtual.

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